Lithilian's Journal

Lithilian's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

21:33 Mar 28 2018
Times Read: 393

That pisses me off. Automatically assume it's all my fault that I have gained X amounting weight. Did you stop and try to wonder why? Fuck no. You threw judgement and fat shamed me before getting fucking facts.

You sir are low life scum. Shame on you.

I actually was very very sick. My immune system was not working. Doctors told me that I shouldn't have even gotten pregnant when I did. I was sick for 3 months straight and 1 week after getting immune system back.. I was apparently pregnant.

I also had an extra sac and extra fluids. Doctors did not find that till at 35 weeks. I was 42 total. I could Be conceived twins but one didn't make it. Thought is depressing. Doctor ministered me entire pregnancy and did CONFIRM.. (DUMBASS)... That the baby was getting extra intake and was causing the extra weight. I was gaining 20 or 30 in less then 2 months. So no u fucking idiot. It was not me.

It literally is all baby weight and health issues and any woman to tell me otherwise ontop of his dumbass can go fuck off.

I'm fucking pissed. I was trying to be motivational and you have the gall to try to destroy my motivation. Fuck you bastard. Idk what ur stupid gf sees in you.

So yes. I deleted that journal in question. But the fact remains...dont stick your fucking nose in and spout some shit if you don't know all the fucking facts. Retard.



07:54 Apr 01 2018

No man knows what a women goes through when they are pregnant. There was a study done, where they had men see how long they can last in child birth. No man could last the pain. You women are strong has hell. Dont let anyone on here upset you.


02:12 Mar 27 2018
Times Read: 466

** No one needs to answer. I just See through the veils and things...so this is hust the spur of the moment after a vision trip.. but my ambition still remains. If reply..not really gling to respond


I do not answer to your lords or high councils of the vampire communities offline as they are not superior to me. No one is.

My ambition:

Is to give representation to kins if all types in a unification council under me. All I see is Vampiric Houses and Councils but no representation for Therians, Faes, Daemons, hybrids and the like.

I have once in a lifetime ago headed the old council that was unified. Treaties were struck, pacts made and houses aligned to end the warring between kins.

Yeah. That was me. Only I. So any council member who is of the old ways and sat on the high council then? That is my council member. So if you think you can challenge me..please. Drag me out to your high council and we will see who is Master.

I seek to unify houses in alliances to each be governed on its own but to come together and speak as friends at my table once more.

Yes, I realize this is a new Age, but, the fact remains.. I am going to achieve this because I see what you cannot. Unification is what going to propel us forward. Not war and not your so called "Codes".




00:20 Mar 24 2018
Times Read: 526

Mrs.Blackwood is my admin in my coven. Not that my coven is lacking she can talk to like minded individuals. Unlike other covens and communities in the real world I do not restrict my house members. They know our rules. They can do what they like within said rules.

Now if you start messaging her about us or jump on her just know she is well protected by me. She is one of my best friends and I love her. She is also a priestess of mine so mind your p's and q's around her.

She has a lot of power. So respect her or you will deal with me. Her CM, Elder and Sire.




23:35 Mar 22 2018
Times Read: 563

Seriously. My table leg broke my new modem died. My spine got out of place..toppimg it off with my child's screaming fit... oh and owing 9000$ in full before I can get my transcripts. Can today be any worse.



22:50 Mar 23 2018

I also have been in situations like that as far as the transcript cost every school tends to do that if you owe the money they hold on your transcripts until you actually pay off the entire amount then they give them to you.

22:54 Mar 23 2018

At this time. I can't. I owe quite a lot to other things. Do not have a job due to no childcare or car. Hubby works a shit ton as a manager. I would love to go back but it's in collections. Idk of anything can help me pay it. :(

23:18 Mar 23 2018

That sucks


02:22 Mar 22 2018
Times Read: 623

Saying this here and now. No one rules over me who claims deem them "Sheriff", "Lord", "High councilmen", Kings or Queens of any sort. I'm the one who you cannot control because if you do..prepare to face my wrath. If you even try...read me first. Go ahead and you will know exactly who the hell I am..and you will tremble.

I post this because I am tired of people thinking they have control over me or claim to understand me or even claim my titles. Please if I could.. You can have my burdens. What and who I am but you nor anyone else can control me. If you tried... You would be utterly destroyed. Consumed, drenched in power and you will suffer till you and your soul exist no more.

So please. Go ahead. -.-



06:49 Mar 22 2018

Don't even worry about it. The person who is saying this lacks compassion. She's lost the ability to think clearly and lives through a tv show called true bloods. Don't pay any attention to her.

11:18 Mar 22 2018

It's not just that. It's just those aside of just them who either claim what is mine and try to tell me to conform or face their "higher powers". Technically they have no power. People try to spout off that I am nothing with a fake coven... but when they actually read me...thry know they fucked up so they try to make a bigger deal of bringing me down to sure their control and lies they spew. Something I fight with and deal with for years now.

The coven houses that are established outside of vr are radical in design and ideals. My husband used to run with quite a few of them a few years ago..those were his dark years. The things they had him do because they didn't want to get their hands dirty and keep clean on the surface were horrific things. They made contracts with him. Some bound by blood and soul. They made deals with the devil.

So no. The houses are hiding dark secrets and will tell others otherwise. People attack me for not conforming. To upholding my truth. My claims. In this life unfortunately I have to prove it and oh I got he proof and 3 of my house members on here to back me up..

So yeah. I get pissed. All these houses and councils..are fake. Only 1 person on it Seeks me out. That person is my councilmen from the Old days. So.

I'm not having attitude with you again..just,frustrated

12:06 Mar 22 2018

Please PM me about this subject. Thank you....

14:40 Mar 22 2018

The Louisiana houses I meant. There's so much going on in my head. Being empathic and telepathic it helps,to write it all out to quieten it for a minute.


03:02 Mar 21 2018
Times Read: 645

How does one try to explain oneself? To eventually compherensly understand the totality of the one person seeking?

Bursts of light in quick time lapses deep within my subconscious. Barely scratching the surface. Pulling and pulling but only falling deeper into a void. Images cascade across my memories. With them? Feelings. All at once in a quick momentary that seems like an entire lifetime crammed into a split second.

Stone walls of grey, cool to touch. Running my hand along its engraved crevices.. seeking that very thing..that one thing that would set me free. Pale and full the moon is.. reflecting upon the well formed by natural pooling.

Embers spark to life as the wood is smelted. Shadows dance elongated upon the walls and I wonder if they remember.

Things come and go. In broken pieces. Crossing realms wraith like. Moaning ghostly, stuck in between. Not dead, but not alive.




01:09 Mar 21 2018
Times Read: 684

Oh Vampie child. I am going to post this here because you delete your journals when I post the truth. Your scared of people knowing. You make me laugh.

You child are no match for a real vampyre sire/elder. Your mind is easily penetrated. You have lied. Destroyed good things and brutally attacked those wronged..all because you do not like them.

Your spewing shit from your trash mouth. Yes, I don't know what she has done specifically but no being should ever have to go through what your fake ass is putting her through.

No one should ever feel so worthless, hated, depressed or just tortured. It's not great. It sucks.

So please go fuck off. I may personally not get along with ppl on here.. I at least respect people or apologize after a bitch fight...and reconcile differences.




01:41 Mar 21 2018

I havn't done anything to this women. She just started attacking me because she said I'm weak.

01:52 Mar 21 2018

Look. It is not my business on who did what. I am a vampyre hybrid sire and eldar far older then everyone and all their soul lives. I really do not care for drama and to be excommunicated is pretty bad. I never said that was bullshit.. i said seriously. I know how things work and I dont care again who did what. just how things have gotten this far. personally attacking you in this manner is wrong. that is the point

01:59 Mar 21 2018

That women keeps accusing me of stuff. I'm not sexual frustrated.

02:22 Mar 21 2018

Again. Not my problem. just the fact she is attacking like this. she shouldve just ignored you and you her. that is it but it got carried out


23:22 Mar 20 2018
Times Read: 706

It should not matter who or what a person does to be treated in a way so defiling and disgusting that you must belittle them into depression and ultimately suicide in some cases....

That is just so wrong. That is what is wrong with the world today; people cannot see past their differences and must find some control over another body like it is property. I am empathic by nature and given my nature..all this drama on vr.. I can feel it. There are so many words "flying through the air" or so many voices in my head..so much anger, disgust, hate, greed and just plain vanity.

Now times that by a million.. a billion.. and you will begin to understand an inkling of what I can feel, see, and hear. I do not just feel this realm.. I feel it all. Do you realize how much corruption there is to the good? How much hope compared to the hopelessness of a people?

Do you feel the whip on your back as I do? The pain in your chest.. cutting your soul to watch another die? To know the thrill of taking a life?

Crying and screaming fills my soul more then the laughter and love to be found. To feel all this..every minute of the day..every second of the night when its enhanced?

How about drifting asleep to the music of the night only to get pulled out of your body and thrown into limbo to watch the souls unable to pass on?

Seeing the warped and twisted bodies. Grey with eyes of hallow holes in their skulls. Hair is falling out. Wraith like. You thirst but cannot quench it..you hunger but you cannot fill yourself. Lusting madness but cannot satisfy. This is Limbo.

Seeing the colorful lines of life tethered to each other and to me. Sweeping my fingers through the grass and up the bark of a tree. Seeing every detail and feeling every heartbeat.

So please.. be good to each other and to this realm you are given. It suffers..it is in pain. Unable to breathe as you suffocate it..

This drama on vr over false information is a headache. You are all screaming in tiny voices..like needles poking and prodding and stabbing.

Do not claim to understand...no one is my level or mastery. Just a fact.




Threatening someone is not okay.

21:57 Mar 19 2018
Times Read: 790

** The person who was affected will remain anonymous.. But this? Is uncalled for. Your deletion of your comments ( You know exactly who you are) does not make you disappear.. I have them and now you are all exposed. I do not care if this gets me derated and shit. I really do not..but for you to threaten another person in this manner is deeply disturbing.

It does not matter what the person has done..no one should ever threaten another person in this way. To purposely stalk someone, sexually harass, and threaten someone just because you do not like them? That is Low.

As for your so called excommunication... seriously.. grow up. You cannot awaken from being sired. A real vampyre sire is someone like me. Someone who carries a vampyre soul that is over a few centuries old. The body is mortal yes but the knowledge and wisdom carried within that soul is what makes the Sire. To be sired means in reality that the Sire takes you as their student..that is it. Now if you share a past memory or something then maybe they trigger the awakening but not because you are sired. Thats utter bullshit.

Obviously people have no real idea what it is to run a coven, have students and actually know what they are talking about in real life. You play games..this is not a game.

To make this person afraid to walk outside their own door and not listen to what they are feeling or trying to say.. your vile.

All your "knowledge" about awakening..made me laugh. This person came to me and asked questions about it and felt pretty damn stupid for listening to you.

You should be ashamed and if your not..seriously go get some fuckin mental help.

**Edit... My point is even if fake.. threatening someone in this way giving fake information or not..is still wrong despite what the other party may have done.. it causes unnecessary drama bringing names in that had nothing to do with it. Thanks sang for pointing out what i forgot. Do not want ppl to take it the wrong way other threatening isnt okay


17:17 Mar 19 2018

Aww silly childe, you were played by Nikki and John. Oh yeah werewolfofthenight is John. The one who got you excommunicated. Nikki play toy. I love when you get mad. I feed off it. You know John has many profiles to stalk you. Doesn't that make you vomit. I know he makes you sick. Your a toy to them. Nikki was just using you. Nikki went on John profile on Facebook, sent you that sexual message. She knew you would explode and report it. . Your dumb ass open court. This gave her power to excommuncate you. She deeply resented and hated you. Isnt it a bitch, you will spend your awakening alone. No one cares for you on here. Since your dumb ass is excommunicate no one will help you. I don't pity you either cause that was dumb. Your friend in Utah can't do nothing. Report to me. Dumb childe..



01:27 Mar 20 2018

VampieRevenger is a person who lacks empathy, intelligence and self control.
Excommunication is rare and only happens with serious crime such violence rape and murder. This can only be done with experienced councils member through a court.
This person is not excommunicated from the vampyre community. She left the house for personal issues.
It is very unprofessional and vile to bring out people names, just to cause drama.
For the person being accused of excommunication,
I will do everything in my power, to make sure this person is comforted and loved instead of having stones thrown at her. She has been through enough humiliation and mental abuse.
has it is.

01:32 Mar 20 2018

Thank you Lord Ariel for understanding what I meant. I have troubles getting my thought process out correctly due to autism but im just glad someone understands i mean well.

01:38 Mar 21 2018

these statements above about the named people are FALSE and yes the person was excommunicated for the trouble she caused whether she wants to admit it or not..


04:59 Mar 19 2018
Times Read: 811

A vampyre awakening has nothing to do with being sired by anyone. There is NO such things as "Vampyre Sires". Your awakening process is triggered by a memory, event, emotion or even a tragic moment/happening.

No fucking vampyre is "sired" This isn't Vampire Diaries. If that is what you get off on..go for it.

Mood: Annoyed with idiots who don't know a fucking thing.




Taking a stand.

23:15 Mar 18 2018
Times Read: 852

I am not a whiner, crybaby or weak when I feel that your words against me are wrong, hurtful, disrespectful and judgemental, yes I am going to rant and rave like a mother bat from hell.

I have been bullied on here, told to die, judged by others because I have negative honor so apparently that means I deserve it. Yes this is only an online site but do you really understand the effects of your choice words?

Do you even consider what our lives are already like or have been before the words you cut with come out of your mouth? Probably not. For those who already think this..let me tell you this. Right out of the womb I was beaten and molested. I was kidnapped from my mother against the court and moved across an entire country. I was 4. I was also 4 when I got beat again and again because my cousin tried to rape me. By the sperm bank that gave me life.

I have Autism..high functioning..meaning Im hella smart but lack social graces of a 25 year old. So for perverted men to come onto my profile and talk about the way I look despite my husbands picture on there with me...then get whiny because I block you to the point you tell me to go kill myself.. yeah im going to flip shit.

For those who just read this.. know you know. Your words put images in my head and my PTSD kicked in. Congratulations. You made me want to die.

To tell me all this and then tell me im retarded and my child should be taken from me..fuck you.

People on here and in life need to realize that bullying and unwanted harassment is not okay. You do not know our stories or how it makes us feel. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You too..those who just stand by and watch or laugh.

Countless times I have posted journals or kismets..or even through messages standing up for myself and every time I get told to shut my mouth. De rated. De honored. No. I'm not saying I'm upset about that but merely the words given with the negatives.

Yes, this again is only a site but it does intact hurt people in long term. So why do it.





04:18 Mar 12 2018
Times Read: 891


I am seeking, I am seeking
in the drum, the water, the sky,
I am seeking, I am seeking
In the Earth, the air, the chaos and the starry sky
In the seas, the fields, the rocks and mountains high
The truth is coming, the Way revealed.


We stand around in a Circle and suppose
While in the middle the Mystery sits and knows.
-Robert Frost


From the dawn of Homo Sapiens emerging from this planet Earth, people have asked themselves questions of meaning, questions of intention, questions related to their survival, and to their flourishing as another species amongst other beings and elemental forces. They sought to understand the elemental forces of earth, air, fire, water, ether, and how these elemental forces influenced and penetrated their own lives both individually and collectively. As hunters, they sought for ways to stalk, track, and obtain food. They sought to know the Ways of the Animal Beings who were the source of nourishment. They sought to know what provisions were offered them from the Plant Beings and how to use these Plants for both food and healing. They sought to know what secrets, what knowledge dwelled within Stones, the Mountains. They sought patterns revealed in the configurations of the landscape within which they lived, moved, and became themselves. They perceived these very configurations as aspects of themselves, being there to mirror to them the nature of themselves.

Those who know and seek to live within this Patterning, this Greater Dream Dreaming us, understand that the questions, the information and wisdom needed, must be sought from Powers that hold and govern this greater Whole. They also know that the whole creation surrounding them, and the universes living within them are aspects of this Great Whole. They learn to work with all beings and to source within themselves. They recognize themselves as having both the choice and necessity of participating actively in this Mysterious Unfolding Dreaming. They seek to penetrate the seemingly “hidden realms”, consult with these Powers, learn from these Elemental Forces, learn from all Beings in the Universe, and the term “Divination” or the verb “Divining” (which I prefer) is an ancient word for naming this sacred questing.


There are dozens of divination methods that people use to access Divine guidance.

Some of the most common divination tools used today are...


Tarotology is the hypothetical basis for the reading of Tarot cards, a subset of cartomancy, which is the practice of using cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by posing a question to the cards. The reasoning behind this practice ranges from believing the result is guided by a spiritual force, to belief that the cards are instruments used to tap either into a collective unconscious or into the subject's own creative, brainstorming subconscious


Rune stones, (sometimes cards), are used as tools of divination - a way to predict one's future. Rune Stones come in a set of 24 ancient alphabetic symbols. They can be made of different materials - wood or glass most common and attractive - and usually kept in a pouch or box. They usually come with a book of instructions defining the symbols.

Palm Reading--

Palmistry shows how your entire life is mapped out in the palm of your hands. Even Julius Caesar used palmistry to help him make decisions. The future is read in your right hand and the past in your left hand. The hand revealing your past gives information about the inner you and the influences in your life when you were growing up.

The history of palmistry dates back thousands of years and has been spoken of in the Hindu scriptures and the old testament. Palmistry most likely originated in China or India and was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Philosophers astrologers, alchemists and theologians studied the art of palmistry. The gypsies also adopted palmistry and it was used in fortune telling. Palmistry became a serious study for scientists and scholars who considered palmistry to be a valid and accurate science. Palmistry is also known as Chiromancy.


There are several different ways you can use a pendulum for divination - you'd be surprised what you can learn with "yes" and "no" answers. The trick is to learn to ask the right questions. Here are some ways you can take advantage of your pendulum to find out what you'd like to learn.

Use with a divination board: some people like to use their pendulum in tandem with a board - the pendulum guides them to the letters on the board that spell out a message. Much like a Ouija board, a pendulum board or chart includes the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and the words Yes, No, and Maybe.

Find lost items: much like a dowsing rod, a pendulum can be used to point in the direction of missing things


Oneiromancy (from the Greek όνειροϛ oneiros, dream, and μαντεία manteia, prophecy) is a form of divination based upon dreams; it is a system of dream interpretation that uses dreams to predict the future.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications

Tea Leaves--

One of the most iconic is the notion of reading tea leaves, also called tasseography or tasseomancy. The word is a blend of two other words, the Arabic tassa, which means cup, and the Greek -mancy, which is a suffix indicating divination.

This divination method isn’t quite as ancient as some of the other popular and well-known systems, and appears to have begun around the 17th century. This was around the time when the Chinese tea trade made its way into European society.

Scrying in water, mirrors, crystal balls, flames, etc---

Scrying is a method of divination and takes on many forms. Information received varies with the type of scrying one is using to get answers. Information can be objective, message given that are independent of the scryer - or subjective, determined or influenced by the scryer. Scrying can also be viewed as a form of mediumship, messages allegedly coming from another realm. This all goes to the scrying tool used and the interpretation of the symbol shown. A dream dictionary is often helpful.

I Ching--
Among the many forms of divination is a cleromancy method using the I Ching (易經, yì jīng) or Book of Changes. I Ching consists of sixty-four hexagrams and commentary upon those symbols. Each hexagram is six lines, each one of which is either yin (represented by a broken line) or yang (a solid line). By randomly generating the six lines by one or other of various methods and then reading the commentary associated with the resulting hexagram, the sense(s) of that commentary is (are) then used as an oracle.

Applied Kinesiology--

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is usually listed among divination methods. But human bodies are very effective divination tools, and this technique allows us to access deep wisdom that the mind cannot attain.

Sometimes simply called Kinesiology, this is a system of testing muscle strength to determine what the body needs.





05:54 Mar 10 2018
Times Read: 927

Seriously it's still going. You complain about people dishonoring you and calling you names...hmm I wonder fucking why. Then complain about people making profiles and then deleting. Honey. You just did it too. We all know that other profile was yours. You seriously need to shut the fuck up.

It's annoying and when u drag other people in it..idiot. You also changed the "list" you added fangor and ik for a fact he's not. Despite his blurry picture in portfolio you can obviously see that he is not some 60 year old predator..

You don't even know these people or read their fucking profiles. You just jump and attack over what one person does.

Fangor is nice and sweet. He's helped me out over the years on here when I was on and off.

You girl are no means special. Except in drawing unwanted drama. You won't last very long on here. That's a guarantee.




Other drama as of late. Seriously chicka.

23:38 Mar 09 2018
Times Read: 951

How can Someone so blatantly convict or accuse someone else of something without clearly understanding that they are not the same people no matter how much this Someone kicks, screams and cries wolf about it.

1. Age difference..most obvious. Different levels of maturity.
2. Level of writing proficiency. All of them are different but the lowest level of them all obviously never wet to school and learned how to write a clear sentence.
3. Years on vampire rave. Sire profiles or near it. Those of us who know them if not personally but held a conversation with them over the course of 10 years and those who are friends with them can tell you they are very much indeed separate profiles and people.

The one in question at the lower level of the 4.. we all know what he is..but the other 3.. They are in the clear and deserve an apology as well as you banned.

Creating 2 profiles to pursue an injustice that you obviously are stupid for is just idiotic for the fact you don't have real facts and you attack them constantly without just simply inquiring who they are.

Seriously. Grow up.





03:25 Mar 08 2018
Times Read: 988

Dear 60 year old predator,

We take your honor because you are dishonorable. You stalk children and harass them sexually. You ask for nudes and prepare them for prostitution. You also harass married woman, talking about my breasts and body, calling me "babe". Despite the fact you messaged me that when my husband is clearly seen.

You cry to sires and others telling them lies about us. We women will not be put down and seen unequal. You are an illiterate, un-educated, perverted bastard.


Hatefully and disgusted woman all over the world.





01:54 Mar 05 2018
Times Read: 1,031

Wow..I like how he told me to go kill myself and yet I'm the one getting attacked


Go and hang yourself

[ HIDE ]
Mar 05 2018

I hope your house gets bombed by North Korea

[ HIDE ]
Mar 05 2018
Mar 05 2018

Stay away from my profile no wonder so many on VR hates you you like to troll others but don't like it when they pick on you so get a grip with your childish behaviour you conformist

[ HIDE ]
Mar 04 2018
Mar 04 2018

Are you gone and dead yet



04:15 Mar 05 2018

This will be dealt with


Ugh ranting

23:44 Mar 04 2018
Times Read: 1,036

Drama. I defend myself and lash out against bullying and continuously told I'm stupid. Yes, I have high functioning autism. I'm not slow or stupid. I'm tired of people attacking me for it because I struggle with social life and literally saying a sentence because my brain is wired different. I can do calculus. But fractions. That's hard. Why? Idk. Complex shut is easy. But easy is sometimes hard

So when I talk I literally have to go around and over mountains to get to my point. So I journal it out. I'm tired of people calling me immature. I had to be an adult at 6 years of age cuz my bio father tried to kill me and beat me and sexually abused me.

So yes I get pissed off when told I need to go kill myself and shit. I don't get it when nobody understands I don't get about s hit. I'm a damn woman.

My social life is none. Not because ppl hate me or some s hit ppl tell me it's because I don't know what a friend is. I don't have any because no one wants to take the time and try to understand me thinking that I have autism so I'm stupid. -.-

Not the case. My iq is 160 which means I'm a fucking genius. Literal.

YES, I run a real fucking coven. I have 9 students. I am established since fucking 2013.

What part do your small feeble minds don't get. Yes I have troubles talking to ppl cuz I can't communicate like you can. So yes. I say shit without filter.

Sorry you don't understand this. I can show you my damn medical files proving this if you're then maybe you realize.. Oh shit... You fucked up.



04:25 Mar 05 2018

I cry for you....
I cry because I hope that my son does not go through what you are experiencing...
I hope you can help me help him...


22:05 Mar 04 2018
Times Read: 1,046

Drama can end. I said my peice. Now I am done. Like I said. He continued to harass me so I defended myself. If don't like it. Don't care. I'm not going to let people bully me into suicide. So I will defend myself and if I have to go over the line. I will.

You bullying me too is tiresome. I'm not crying, nor mad, nor even upset. Yes. I write journals to get my thoughts out correctly. I don't hide.

I'm not ugly. Neither is my husband nor my child. You are calling names trying to hurt me but you didn't. *shrugs* I'm too busy packing and dealing with moving, my wedding, bills, my dad's decline in mobility..he won't walk again once the bones in his ankles finish degrading..too far gone, my oen emotional and mental health considering what happened but i am strong.

I don't really care what you say. I don't. If you get off on trying to hurt ppl then that's you. Yes. I was wrong to write that journal. See? I can admit when I'm wrong but you cannot. Nobody is perfect. I was multi tasking when I wrote it and just vented my stress in a way that I could've done better.

My daughter is beautiful and smart. I am a good mother and you don't get to tell me otherwise because you don't know me.

I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope your evening is good otherwise.



01:59 Mar 05 2018

Your little girl is beautiful.

02:04 Mar 05 2018

Thank you :) ppl on here told me that she is ugly. Stupid. Should be taken from me and apparently I'm a bad parent for standing up from myself for getting bullied. So yeah. She's 1 in 2 weeks:)



15:59 Mar 04 2018
Times Read: 1,058

Dude. Stop fucking sexually harassing me. It's unwanted and creepy. It says again on my profile I'm taken and pictures if my husband. You threw a fit because he told you to leave me alone and you haven't despite blocks.

Telling me I'm hated by everyone, that I'm a child, stupid, should go die is very immature of you. I can handle and solve my problems better then you can.

So stop again for countless times of me asking ur dumbass..stop sexually harassing and stalking me





03:13 Mar 04 2018
Times Read: 1,095

Seriously. You sexually harass me even when it says I am taken and shows my husband holding our baby in portfolio. Wtf is wrong with you.



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